Ring Camera Battery Drain: How to Fix It

Ring cameras are a popular home security solution that allows homeowners to monitor their property remotely. However, one common issue that users encounter is the rapid drain of the camera’s battery. This can be frustrating, as it can leave the camera useless at a critical moment. In this article, we will explore the reasons why your Ring camera battery may be draining quickly, and provide you with some tips on how to fix it.

Check the Wi-Fi Signal Strength 

ring camera battery

One of the main reasons why Ring cameras experience battery drain is due to poor Wi-Fi signal strength. When the camera has to work hard to maintain a connection with the router, it uses up more battery power. This can be especially problematic if you have multiple cameras connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

To check the Wi-Fi signal strength, you can use a Wi-Fi signal strength app. If the signal strength is low, consider moving the router closer to the camera or using a Wi-Fi extender to boost the signal. This should help to reduce the amount of battery power that the camera uses.

Turn Off Unnecessary Features 

Another reason why your Ring camera may be experiencing battery drain is due to unnecessary features that are enabled. For example, if you have motion detection enabled but don’t really need it, this can cause the battery to drain more quickly.

To turn off unnecessary features, go to the Ring app and navigate to the camera settings. From there, you can disable motion detection or any other features that you don’t need. This should help to reduce the amount of battery power that the camera uses.

Lower the Camera’s Motion Sensitivity 

If you do need to have motion detection enabled, consider lowering the camera’s motion sensitivity. When the camera is set to a high sensitivity level, it will detect even the slightest movements, which can cause the battery to drain more quickly.

To lower the camera’s motion sensitivity, go to the Ring app and navigate to the camera settings. From there, you can adjust the sensitivity level to a lower setting. This should help to reduce the amount of battery power that the camera uses.

Use a Solar Panel Charger 

ring camera battery

If you have a Ring camera that is located in an area with plenty of sunlight, consider using a solar panel charger to keep the camera’s battery charged. This is a great way to keep your camera powered without having to worry about the battery draining too quickly.

To use a solar panel charger with your Ring camera, you will need to purchase a Ring solar panel. This panel is designed to work specifically with Ring cameras and will keep your camera’s battery charged throughout the day.

Use a Hardwired Power Source 

Another option for keeping your Ring camera powered is to use a hardwired power source. This involves running a power cable to the camera and plugging it into an electrical outlet. This will provide a constant source of power to the camera, so you don’t have to worry about the battery draining too quickly.

To use a hardwired power source with your Ring camera, you will need to purchase a Ring Power Cable. This cable is designed to work specifically with Ring cameras and will provide a reliable source of power to the camera.

Disable Live View 

Live view is a great feature that allows you to view a live feed from your Ring camera at any time. However, this feature can also cause the camera’s battery to drain more quickly, especially if you are using it frequently.

To disable live view, go to the Ring app and navigate to the camera settings. From there, you can turn off the live view or adjust the settings to limit the amount of time the live view is active. This should help to reduce the amount of battery power that the camera uses.

Check the Camera’s Firmware 

Occasionally, Ring cameras may experience Ring Camera Battery due to a firmware issue. If your camera’s firmware is out of date or there is a bug in the software, it can cause the camera to use up more battery power than necessary.

To check your camera’s firmware, go to the Ring app and navigate to the camera settings. From there, you can check the firmware version and update it if necessary. This should help to resolve any issues with the camera’s software and reduce the amount of battery power that it uses.

Check the Camera’s Placement 

The placement of your Ring camera can also impact its Ring Camera Battery. If the camera is in direct sunlight or in an area with extreme temperatures, it can cause the battery to drain more quickly. Additionally, if the camera is in an area with a lot of activity, it may use up more battery power due to frequent motion detection.

To improve your Ring Camera Battery life, try to place it in an area with moderate temperatures and minimal activity. This will help to reduce the amount of battery power that the camera uses.

Use a Ring Camera Battery Pack 

ring camera battery

If you have a Ring camera with a removable battery, consider using a Ring battery pack to extend the Ring Camera Battery life. These battery packs are designed to work specifically with Ring cameras and will provide additional power to the camera when the battery is low.

To use a Ring Camera Battery pack with your camera, you will need to purchase a pack that is compatible with your camera model. This should help to extend the Ring Camera Battery life and reduce the amount of battery power that it uses.

Contact Ring Support 

If you have tried all of the above solutions and your Ring camera is still experiencing battery drain, it may be time to contact Ring support. They can help to troubleshoot the issue and provide additional solutions for improving your camera’s battery life.

To contact Ring support, go to the Ring website and navigate to the support page. From there, you can find the contact information for Ring support and get in touch with a representative.


Overall, experiencing Ring Camera Battery drain on your Ring camera can be frustrating. However, there are several steps that you can take to improve the Ring Camera Battery life. By checking the Wi-Fi signal strength, turning off unnecessary features, lowering the camera’s motion sensitivity, using a solar panel charger or hardwired power source, disabling live view, checking the camera’s firmware, adjusting its placement, using a Ring Camera Battery pack, or contacting Ring support, you can help to extend your Ring Camera Battery life and keep your home secure.

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